Monday 28 March 2016

Rod Jao, Passionate Man

Rod Jao is the co-founder and marketing genius behind the now hugely successful United States sporting Supplement Company known as Allysian Sciences. Allysian Sciences grew and became very successful however they stayed humble. This often surprises people as the stereotype of the rich successful businessman is often not a positive one. This is not the case with Rod Jao. Just read for yourself his answer given to a question in a recent interview:

“Our goal is to help kids, adults, and senior citizens optimize their brain health through a range of carefully developed supplements backed by more than 35 years of research. We’re also giving lucrative opportunities to affiliate members with programs that help them make money by growing our network and increasing awareness for brain food. We want the world to know that smart is the new sexy!”

Rod Jao has always had a passion for sports of many types. There were times in his childhood when it looked as though sport was going to be his career of choice, as he showed a great deal of talent and got a great deal of enjoyment from it. Basketball was one of his greatest passions. However he also had a great deal of passion for business and he exuded talent in this area from a very early age. By the age of 21 he was making millions looking for a global corporation, and it seemed obvious that he would at some point start his own company. The company he eventually decided to stop was called Allysian Sciences and it is a company that has combined his passions of sport business and helping people. He started the company with the help of Olympic Athlete Apollo Ohno, and from day one they have worked very hard to produce a company that fulfills both of their passions. Apollo is also fanatical Sportsman and a talented businessman and he has taken great pleasure and using his competitive nature in the business world to great success. This is truly a formidable pair to be reckoned with and after a slow start that company now seems to be showing no signs of slowing down. Who knows what the future will hold for this dream team of business geniuses?

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