Monday 13 June 2016

The Rod Jao Story Is Spectacular in More Ways Than One

What can we add to appraise the phenomenal career of Rod Jao? At the age of 19, he had already reached the rarely attained and most enviable status of Diamond with the world-famous Amway direct selling international company. Rod went on to found his own investment company, the Trident Investment Group, a venture that invested primarily in real estate. Today, Rod is Co-CEO and Co-Founder of Allysian Sciences, a groundbreaking cognitive enhancement supplement company out of Vancouver, Canada. The  well-honed talent of this young yet seasoned entrepreneur has proven crucial in thrusting Allysian into the spotlight in the realm of nootropics supplements companies.
Have a look at Rod Jao official site at and learn more: Born in the Philippines to a loving family of modest financial means, Rod early on developed a sense for the value of material prosperity. His family relocated to Canada when Rod was yet a young boy, and it was there that Rod developed the social skills and keen sense of street smarts that today characterize him and his approach to working with people. In fact, as CEO of Allysian Sciences, Rod considers everyone working for the company, regardless their employment level or function within the business, as partners.
Although Allysian is a company with a highly sophisticated and well-defined managerial structure, hierarchy is not part of daily operations, nor is it part of Rod’s mentality in the slightest degree. When anyone affiliated with Allysian has a question, an issue to be resolved, or simply needs to talk, Rod is the first one to make himself available. Rod believes firmly that the success of his company depends not merely on the management team, even if Allysian’s management is made up of singularly exceptional and seasoned business professionals. Rod Jao listens to other people’s voices, respects everyone at the company, and embodies the principle of partnership he espouses.
The Rod Jao partnership is a key to the success of Allysian Sciences. It’s all for one and one for all with Allysian Sciences, thanks in large part to the democratic efforts and principles of Rod Jao. Check out Rod Jao’s official site and discover why Rod Jao is proud to offer the most effective and the healthiest all organic cognitive enhancing nutritional supplements in the world today.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Rod Jao - Making a Difference in the World

The list of credits that back the successful entrepreneurial business career of Rod Jao are impressive, and to say the very least, quite extraordinary for a man his age. Jao was born in the Philippines and grew up in a loving household of rather modest means. He learned very early on in life the meaning of hard work thoughtful effort directed in a way that will ensure survival. This sense of street smarts combined with a natural talent and a gifted personality for working with people set Jao on the road to success when still a young man. 

Although today, in many ways, Rod Jao might be easily defined in terms of his successful business ventures, he has never lost his passion to help other people in need, and to make his mark on the world in a way that meaningfully contributes to the health and well-being of others. Rod Jao was destined to become a humanitarian and a philanthropist from birth. One of his very first efforts in this regard was a charitable organization he founded and managed called Parentless Children of the World. A trip to a huge orphanage in Thailand provided the impetus and inspiration for Jao to focus on contributing his time, energy, and financial resources to helping such children in need. Through his charity, he was able to help provide shelter, comfort, care, and all the basic needs to orphaned children all over the planet.

Rod Jao went on to an enviable career in business. He reached Amway’s Diamond Status in only two years at the young age of 21. 

Today, Rod Jao heads the fascinating new company, Allysian Sciences, a nootropics business that offers some of the world’s healthiest and most effective cognitive enhancers to its customers. By providing all organic, non GMO, and clinically proven safe and effective cognitive enhancing nutritional supplements, Rod Jao continues to make his mark as a philanthropist, and simply as a caring member of the human family. He believes firmly that we all can make our own contribution toward rendering the world a better place to live, and toward helping others in need. Jao’s efforts and his life exemplify the fact that business ventures can prove successful and helpful to the society at large at the same time.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Rod Jao – Allysian Sciences – Join Today!

After hearing about the success that both Rod Jao and his partner Apolo Ohno have experienced, it is hard not to want to join their company Allysian Sciences. The company was founded only as of 2015, so it is very new to the market but has already shown great success. The name Allysian Sciences is made up of two words, “All” and “Elysian” which basically are symbolic of welcoming anyone and everyone to be apart of the co-founders journey of longevity, prosperity, and happiness. The founding vision of Allysian Sciences is, “a dedication to maximizing human potential through innovation and excellence and an ambition to create positive change,” all of these components are very relevant to absolutely everyone. This is a new a nootropic company, which means they sell several cognitive enhancers. This company specifically has supplements that are supposed to: boost memory, cognition, focus, and overall health. The five different products are: Mastermind, Genesis, Essentials, Sinless, and Smart Kids.

Are you looking to be apart of this success? Well there’s ample opportunity to do so. The first step is relatively simple and that is registering to become and Independent Affiliate of the company. This is really simple, all you have to do is go to their website and you can sign up online. After you’ve joined and paid the registration fee of about $60.00, you are ready to activate your new business.

After the registration fee has been paid, you now have access to the mobile app, a personalized website, retail shopping cart, and all of the product marketing materials you will need to conduct your business with Allysian Sciences. You then become authorized to retail Allysian Sciences products but only for a period of one year, every year you have to renew your membership. After this you are now an Affiliate of Allysian Sciences.

After this you are then assigned a business center, which is like your storefront. This is where you will retail all your products and manage your business. You are allowed to have two affiliates with their business centers on your front line, which is the base for the formation of you binary team, and then new affiliates join under them and so forth. As long as you are classified as active, meaning generating at least 45PV or more of retail sales every four weeks, then you are able to keep all of the product sales volume from both parts of your binary team.

Monday 28 March 2016

Rod Jao, Passionate Man

Rod Jao is the co-founder and marketing genius behind the now hugely successful United States sporting Supplement Company known as Allysian Sciences. Allysian Sciences grew and became very successful however they stayed humble. This often surprises people as the stereotype of the rich successful businessman is often not a positive one. This is not the case with Rod Jao. Just read for yourself his answer given to a question in a recent interview:

“Our goal is to help kids, adults, and senior citizens optimize their brain health through a range of carefully developed supplements backed by more than 35 years of research. We’re also giving lucrative opportunities to affiliate members with programs that help them make money by growing our network and increasing awareness for brain food. We want the world to know that smart is the new sexy!”

Rod Jao has always had a passion for sports of many types. There were times in his childhood when it looked as though sport was going to be his career of choice, as he showed a great deal of talent and got a great deal of enjoyment from it. Basketball was one of his greatest passions. However he also had a great deal of passion for business and he exuded talent in this area from a very early age. By the age of 21 he was making millions looking for a global corporation, and it seemed obvious that he would at some point start his own company. The company he eventually decided to stop was called Allysian Sciences and it is a company that has combined his passions of sport business and helping people. He started the company with the help of Olympic Athlete Apollo Ohno, and from day one they have worked very hard to produce a company that fulfills both of their passions. Apollo is also fanatical Sportsman and a talented businessman and he has taken great pleasure and using his competitive nature in the business world to great success. This is truly a formidable pair to be reckoned with and after a slow start that company now seems to be showing no signs of slowing down. Who knows what the future will hold for this dream team of business geniuses?

Thursday 24 March 2016

Rod Jao’s Dream Team

Rod Jao is nothing if not a talented opportunist, as he has proven time and again with his various business ventures over the years. One such opportunity which he took full advantage of 6 years ago was that which he saw in the company Allysian Sciences, which he launched in conjunction with Olympian athlete Apolo Ohno as his co founder and with a clear vision of what the company was to achieve, what its mission was, and how they were to go about doing that. It took less than one year for the company to really show its potential, and it is currently thriving on using the business plan that was created and implemented by Lao.

Allysian Sciences produces and sells a supplement for athletes that are proven to significantly enhance their mental capabilities during stressful competitions and events. It is considered to be a fairly new nootropic manufacturing and distributing company, despite the fact that it has been in its development stages for more than five years already.

They made a point early on of hiring some of the greatest minds in the world of sports science to come and work for them; despite their combined knowledge being impressive, humility is a key aspect to becoming a successful businessman, and knowing what you don’t know certainly falls into this category. Jao’s vision of pioneering a multinational MLM company has had a massive impact on the global appeal of the brand. Their expert team of marketers and researchers, who collaborated with the founding pair along every step of the way until they had exactly what they were looking for, created the brand itself. The power of a good brand should never be underestimated.

Allysian Sciences is now in the process of experimenting and expanding across not only North America, but also across Europe and Southeast Asia, where it is currently catching on fast. Things are looking very positive for this duo of entrepreneurs, and with their combined experience in both the business and the sporting worlds, which know what the future could hold for them. The marketing team has been highly focused on empowering people with ‘health and wealth’, across the athletic spectrum, and it seems that this approach has been instrumental in raking in numerous rewards for the firm as it has launched six flagship products in less than a year.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Rod Jao - A Success Story

Rod Jao has served a wide variety of functions in the world of business. Examples of these include working as a trainer, strategist, marketing executive and consultant. Rod Jao has proven his mettle in all these roles, as a capable and innovative leader who always works with a great deal of care and precision, regardless the immediate task before him. Rod Jao has always infused every given project with his own unique flair for creative and innovative ideas and planning. Considering the successful career of Rod Jao, we see that innovation is not merely an meaningless concept, but it is a truly creative force, a unique capability that can be applied toward overcoming all obstacles, and that serve in reaching the true potential of any business undertaking in the world of business.

Rod Jao's fascinating professional background includes direct involvement in software development and network marketing, and he is one of the youngest individuals in the history of one of the biggest direct selling companies in the world. Rod Jao has reached a remarkably high level of success, having been involved in the opening of key international markets and being engaged in countless public speaking appearances to audiences of tens of thousands worldwide. Rod Jao brings an international network of contacts critical in the development of marketing strategies and global sales. Rod Jao once served as the President of a privately held investment company that invested and holds interests in commercial and residential real estate projects and, through its venture capital arm, seeds and funds opportunities in the technology, manufacturing, food and beverage and telecommunications sectors.

Rod Jao has developed and inspired many teams of colleagues in several companies to believe in and create innovative projects that were in many ways unimaginable prior to his unique contribution. Connectivity is a keyword in the vernacular of cutting edge companies today, and executive figures like Rod Jao, who exemplifies this principle is a model from whom all of us operating in the corporate world can learn a great deal, indeed. As a public speaker, trainer, and strategist Rod Jao has been able to put the ideal of empathy and connectivity into practice by working at consistently productive levels with varying teams. Each of these companies has demonstrated in their business practices that they are open to new ideas and up-to-date on all the important technologies that every single day serve to bring people together.

Friday 11 March 2016

Rod Jao - Innovation and Leadership Defined

Anyone familiar with the demands and intense pressure inherent to the corporate world knows that coming up with new ideas on a regular basis can be daunting. Finding oneself overwhelmed by deadlines and other stressors happens all the time: there are last-minute presentations, the press conference speeches, impromptu meetings on huge projects, and many other reasons why leading a company can feel like a quest for mere survival. Not to mention, managing teams of colleagues comes with its own pressures and challenges. However, Rod Jao, co-founder of Allysian Sciences, as his colleagues and staff will confirm, is a corporate leader with a human heart, a leader who takes on every responsibility that comes his way with characteristic equanimity, poise, and an innate sense of fairness. In short, Rod Jao has proven an ideal company manager, the epitome of a leader with no short supply of ideas, passion, and creativity.

Rod Jao has given a number of presentations and talks on how people can maximize their own human potential. He maintains a presence on internet sites and blogs that convey some of the ideas that have rendered him such a huge success in his one-of-a-kind enterprise, Allysian Sciences, while demonstrating why he does indeed posses the authority to speak on such matters. With poise and thoughtfulness, Rod Jao also shares his experiences with the colleagues who have made up his many shifting teams over years in business. His vast experience working with a wide range of teams in different fields of endeavor is perhaps what accounts for why he believes so firmly in innovation. Innovation is what sparks the human mind to develop further creative ideas.

Rod Jao has served a number of roles in the corporate world. Some of these include working as a trainer, strategist, marketing executive and advisor. Rod Jao has proven himself capable of fulfilling these roles with care and precision, no matter the corporate field, nor the immediate task presented him. He has always infused every given project with his own unique flair for creative and innovative ideas and planning. Considering the successful career of Rod Jao, we can see that innovation is not just an empty concept but that it is a creative force, a special skill, that can be applied in overcoming all challenges and reaching the true potential of any business undertaking in the corporate world.

Friday 26 February 2016

Rod Jao - Networking and Hard Working

Hard work today means a whole lot more than it did twenty years ago, especially in the world of corporations and global business. What’s more, it is difficult to really express what hard work is because the things that define it are now so specific and reliant on new technologies that corporate action is bringing us every day. Perhaps in the past it is easy to imagine the office worker for the average corporation aspiring to succeed and therefore putting more hours in at his work place. They come in, do the paperwork and get all their reports in on time, with notes and a presentation to boot. All this is still the norm, but it is embellished by a whole new manner of things making the workload, in many cases, twice the amount.

The big player in changing and expanding ideas of hard work is of course the internet. Since its creation and popularity it is at the heart of all corporations that have serious ambitions on a global level. It plays a central role in almost every line of communication and has expanded workplaces to the home, far beyond the inner city office that corporate workers were once accustomed to. There are however CEOs that have approached such changes with gusto and acceptance. Companies like the Trident Venture Group, All In Energy and Allysian Sciences are now big names on the scene and this is partly because of two factors. Firstly their embrace of digital technologies, and secondly their team member Rod Jao and his role in making this happen.

Rod Jao has spent much of his time, and even his free time, looking into the benefits of expanding his associations through advanced communication. In his own work he has spoken to crowds about the importance of teamwork, management and interpersonal skills in the creation of a diverse and efficient company. Maybe one of Rod Jao’s most important contributions was to help move companies online and to engage in network marketing schemes to bring attention to his companies that they had never seen before. As can be seen on the Allysian Sciences website, for example, the company is no stranger to the online world and encourages people to engage through the internet. Perhaps it is not hard then, even in a world as confusing as ours, to count networking and digital competence at the center of our definitions of hard work. Rod Jao certainly has, and more will follow in the wake of his and others success.