Friday 26 February 2016

Rod Jao - Networking and Hard Working

Hard work today means a whole lot more than it did twenty years ago, especially in the world of corporations and global business. What’s more, it is difficult to really express what hard work is because the things that define it are now so specific and reliant on new technologies that corporate action is bringing us every day. Perhaps in the past it is easy to imagine the office worker for the average corporation aspiring to succeed and therefore putting more hours in at his work place. They come in, do the paperwork and get all their reports in on time, with notes and a presentation to boot. All this is still the norm, but it is embellished by a whole new manner of things making the workload, in many cases, twice the amount.

The big player in changing and expanding ideas of hard work is of course the internet. Since its creation and popularity it is at the heart of all corporations that have serious ambitions on a global level. It plays a central role in almost every line of communication and has expanded workplaces to the home, far beyond the inner city office that corporate workers were once accustomed to. There are however CEOs that have approached such changes with gusto and acceptance. Companies like the Trident Venture Group, All In Energy and Allysian Sciences are now big names on the scene and this is partly because of two factors. Firstly their embrace of digital technologies, and secondly their team member Rod Jao and his role in making this happen.

Rod Jao has spent much of his time, and even his free time, looking into the benefits of expanding his associations through advanced communication. In his own work he has spoken to crowds about the importance of teamwork, management and interpersonal skills in the creation of a diverse and efficient company. Maybe one of Rod Jao’s most important contributions was to help move companies online and to engage in network marketing schemes to bring attention to his companies that they had never seen before. As can be seen on the Allysian Sciences website, for example, the company is no stranger to the online world and encourages people to engage through the internet. Perhaps it is not hard then, even in a world as confusing as ours, to count networking and digital competence at the center of our definitions of hard work. Rod Jao certainly has, and more will follow in the wake of his and others success.